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lab testing

Schedule a free consultation with our team and we will assist you with any questions regarding your panel or lab!

Autoimmune Panel

If you suspect or are aware of having an autoimmune condition, our comprehensive panel is tailored to meet your requirements. We’re committed to customizing it further to address your specific concerns and needs.                                                                                                  

Food Sensitivity Panel

If you find yourself struggling with stomach pain, cramping, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, or frequent headaches, food sensitivity testing may be something to consider. This quick and easy blood draw tests for over 290 sensitivities and can help determine possible triggers.

Hormone Panels

If you suspect your hormone levels are irregular and your regular doctor is unwilling to conduct tests, we’re here to help. Our range of specialized hormone panels caters to diverse needs, ensuring a personalized approach to address your concerns.

Fatigue Panel

Is chronic fatigue something that affects your daily life? This panel just might have the answers you need. It addresses essential lab values that can help assess what is going on further.                           

Thyroid Panel

If you require thyroid testing, this is the ideal examination for you. It’s crucial to prioritize managing your thyroid medications to enhance your overall health.                                                                       

Basic Lab Panel

It’s recommended to undergo your foundational lab tests annually at a minimum to assess internal health status. These tests encompass essential parameters and provide comprehensive insights.

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